Safe Ceremony Essentials
Are you ready to embark on a transformative psychedelic journey, but feel overwhelmed by the complexities and risks involved?
Safe Ceremony Essentials offers a comprehensive toolkit for safely navigating psychedelic ceremonies, combining expert insights, ethical guidelines, and practical strategies to ensure a responsible and enlightening experience
By utilizing the 'Safe Ceremony Essentials' bundle, you'll gain the knowledge and confidence to engage in psychedelic experiences that are not only transformative but also anchored in safety, respect, and cultural awareness.
This bundle is ideal for anyone seeking to participate in psychedelic ceremonies, from first-timers to experienced individuals, who prioritize safety, ethical practices, and a deeper understanding of the spiritual and cultural dimensions of these experiences
✅ All Levels
✅ GMT Spaceholder School
✅ GMT Pro
Deep in the heart of the Brazilian Amazon, Lorna "Liana" Li discovered her purpose and her divine calling while drinking visionary plant medicines with indigenous shamans. She was given a mission:
With the explosion of interest in the West, coupled with inadequate preparation and integration, there is an alarming phenomenon of Westerners emerging from shamanic experiences worse than when they started.