Hapé Medicine Online Initiation

Learn How to Administer Sacred Amazonian Snuff - an Initiatory Online Course

Rapé (also called hapé, hapeh, rapeh, and rapey) is a tobacco-based snuff used in South American shamanism. This ancient medicine is a mixture of powdered plants, usually containing some kind of tobacco and tree ash, which is blown into the nose of the receiver through a special pipe called a kuripe or tepi.

In Amazonian lore, tobacco is considered a Master Plant. It plays a central role in ceremonial work, and its spirit is invoked to purify, protect, and rid the receiver of negative energies, as well as to cleanse and prepare their mind for other powerful plant medicines such as ayahuasca.

To initiate those interested in working with Hapé, Lorna Liana, CEO of EntheoNation & the Plant Spirit School and Brazilian Plant Medicine Priestess Aluna Lua have created this very special certification on Hapé Medicine Online Initiation.

Enhance your shamanic skills by forming an alliance with the tobacco master plant by learning how to safely & authentically administer Hapé to yourself and others

This is an ideal training for those who feel called to share hapé and facilitate hapé circles in a safe, responsible, respectful way.


  • Have experienced the healing power of hapé and feel called to go deeper.
  • Are feeling a need for a spiritual deep cleanse and energetic reboot.
  • Feel ready to strengthen your relationship with sacred plant allies with more prayer, songs and traditions.
  • Are seeking more grounding, presence, and divine support to release your old self and embody the new.
  • Feel called to support indigenous fair trade, and thus their fight for sovereignty, while simultaneously learning how to wield a powerful plant medicine.


  • Be initiated into Divine Father Tobacco Wisdom, so that you can connect with this Master Plant Teacher whenever you need support.
  • Receive the Principles of Impeccable Tobacco Guardianship, so that you can administer hapé medicine safely and with the highest, healing energetic frequency.
  • Learn Different Hapé Administration Techniques to support different shamanic intentions.
  • Practice the Art of Self-Application & Serving Hapé to Others, so that they can appreciate the flavors and subtle energies of the medicine.
  • Get an introduction to Huni Kuin traditions and the terms used to describe their medicine practices.


  • On-Demand Access to the Hapé Medicine Online Initiation recordings
  • The Hapé Medicine Online Initiation Slide Deck [PDF]
  • An exclusive mini documentary - The Art of Hapé in the Brazilian Amazon
  • A 10% off coupon code for hapé products purchased from EntheoNation partner vendors
  • Hapé Medicine Online Initiation Toolkit Including:
    • EntheoNation's Modern Shamanic Guide to Sacred Amazonian Snuff [PDF]
    • Medicine Language 101
    • The Medicinal Ingredients of Hapé
    • Entheogenic Facilitator Mini Training
    • Aluna Lua’s Hapé Guide
    • Aluna Lua’s Hapé Song & Vocal Activation Ebook


Lorna Liana is the CEO of EntheoNation, a media company covering psychedelics, modern shamanism, and visionary culture. She is also the Founder of The Plant Spirit School, an online school offering workshops, programs, and 1-to-1 mentoring to individuals and professionals in the psychedelic and plant medicine sector.

With over 25+ years of psychedelic exploration and 100s of ceremonies, Lorna is an advocate for the safe, intentional use of entheogens as a tool of self-mastery, as well as the practice of sacred reciprocity.
Having personally experienced the pervasive lack of post-ceremony integration support in plant medicine culture, Lorna was inspired to launch the Plant Spirit School Integration Coach Certification Program, which is designed to provide plant medicine practitioners essential psychedelic harm reduction training and support them in becoming thriving integration coaches in the Psychedelic Renaissance.


Aluna Lua is a Brazilian plant medicine priestess and trusted advocate of the Brazilian indigenous people. She is a dedicated lightworker, fully devoted to serving the community as an entheogen educator, lifestyle artist, and master of ceremony.

Lua has spent time with multiple indigenous tribes across the Americas and has been a student of different plant medicine cultures for the last twelve years. She embodies her messages and teachings in and through a professional expression of multidimensional art sharing her angelic voice and sacred dance.

Course Curriculum

  Risks & Contraindications
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Ethical Considerations & Sacred Reciprocity
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Preparation & Integration
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Introduction to Facilitation
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Practical Demonstration
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Quiz & Certification
Available in days
days after you enroll
  BONUS: The Modern Shamanic Guide to Sacred Amazonian Snuff
Available in days
days after you enroll
  BONUS: Mini-Documentary
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Get 10% OFF ON HAPÉ PRODUCTS from our partner vendors
Available in days
days after you enroll

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.

Get started now!